SHF Scholastic Awards
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the increased challenges students faced during this time, Samaritan Hospital Foundation (SHF) increased its support for the next generation of nursing and allied medical students by increasing all grants this year for a total of $63,000 in scholastic awards to 27 local students. Scholastic awards range from $1000 to $5000 and support individuals attending colleges across Ohio.
The Foundation gave several different types of awards this year, including two new $5,000 awards, the Nancy J. Stockwell Scholastic Award and the Dr. Philip Myers Award, as well as the Samaritan Hospital Foundation Award, the University Hospital Samaritan Medical Center (UHSMC) Award, the Nursing Scholastic Award, the Gounder & Ponnammal Scholastic Award, the Elizabeth Myers Mitchell Scholastic Award, the Alice Stinchcomb Scholastic Award, the School of Nursing Alumni Award, and the NCSC Award.
Two students received the highest awards for 2021 and will be recognized at the Samaritan Hospital Foundation Annual Heart of Giving Dinner: Kalli Sowers, Heidelberg University, received the Dr. Philip Myers Award and Sophia Ediger, Ashland University, received the Nancy J. Stockwell Scholastic Award.
Nine students received SHF/UHSMC Awards, including: Emily Fry, Ashland University; Alayna Furr, Bowling Green State University; Nathan Meikle, Mount Vernon Nazarene University; Emily Gross and Arin Merle, North Central State College; Andrew Fulk, Northeast Ohio Medical University; Megan Chance, The Ohio State University; Tecca Ringler, University of Findlay; and Brenden Meikle, University of Mount Union.
The Foundation awarded three Ashland University students the Elizabeth Myers Mitchell Scholastic Award as well as SHF/UHSMC Awards. Recipients include: Yesenia Rodriguez, Tiffany Whytsell, and Adelyn Reef.
Eight students received the SHF Award: Kacie Hunter and Erika Leitenberger, Ashland University; Carlie Stutzman, Cedarville University; Casandra Schuster, Grand Valley State University; Malorie Kinney and Tyer Zavala, North Central State College; Katie McQuillen, The Ohio State University; and Sarah Yeater, University of Findlay.
Other scholastic award winners include: Tiffany Calabrese, North Central State College—SHF/UHSMC Award plus Nursing Scholastic Award; Alexis Starner, Ohio Northern University— SHF/UHSMC Award plus the School of Nursing Alumni Award; Whitney Wilson, North Central State College—the Alice Stinchcomb Scholastic Award; Jessica Piechuta, University of Cincinnati—SHF/UHSMC and the Gounder & Ponnammal Scholastic Award; and Ella Yoder, North Central State College—NCSC Award.
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